About iFlexHRM: iFlexHRM is a Human Resource Management Software that include HR & Payroll developed by iFlexsoft Ltd. The software completely integrated with ZkTeco Machine specially with F18 Model. When any employee punch his/her finger or RFID Card the attendance entry automatically done to iFlexHRM, so any time the software can provide real-time employee attendance record with various way like late report, absent report, full day in/out summery. No HR/IT Specialist required operating the HR department or the HR Software. Any of the regular office employees can operate the software and HR department once the HR Policy set to the software. The software capable to work with multiple devices, multiple department of multiple company or branch. The Software system can run centrally and all the devices will be installed to various locations of the world or countries. Whenever any employee punches it uploaded to the central software if the device interfaces software run on the server system. The report will be generating as per company, branch and department wise. It’s a single click solution for Payroll. At end of month by a single click it can produce salary sheet, Pay slip with calculating Employee salary as per their attendance, overtime, other earning and deductions. It’s a perfect solution to deduct the company overheads. It will protect system loss of employee man hours. It’s best suitable from Small to large scale organization running several business points or office globally.
Technical Specification of iFlexHRM: 1. System Environment: Windows any version from Windows xp Sp3 to Upgrade. 2. Database: MS SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014 3. Software Interface: Desktop, Web Interface coming Soon. 4. Device: ZkTeco F18 for Fully automated, Other brand also can be Integrated. 5. Mode of Attendance Entry: a. Finger b. RFID Card c. PIN d. Software Manual Entry
Features of iFlexHRM: 1. All Configurations 2. Employee Management 3. Attendance Management 4. Leave Management
1. All Configurations: This Module to add and manipulate Multiple Company/Department, Designations, Paygrade, Earning & Deduction Heads.
a. Department Setup b. Department List c. Job Title Setup d. Job Title List e. Holiday Entry f. Holiday List
2. Employee Management: This Module to add Employee Details, Employee List and Edit Employee Details.
a. Add Employee i. Personal Information (With Picture & Signature) ii. Contact Details iii. Emergency Contact Details iv. Educational Qualifications v. Experience Details vi. Job/Experience History vii. Reference
b. Employee List i. Print Employee List ii. Print Employee Details iii. Terminate an Employee
c. Employee Details i. Can be Edit Employee Details
3. Leave Management: This Module to add Employee Leave Entry, Leave List, Leave Request Manipulation, Leave History, Leave Statistics, Leave Encashment, Leave Balance.
a. Leave Application b. Leave Application List c. Employee Leave History d. Employee Leave Statistics e. Leave Balance
4. Attendance Management: This Module to Manually entry attendance Record in case of No device used. If attendance device used for our recommended device it will automatically update live attendance log to software once employee punch figure or RFID Card.
5. Reports: This Module generates various type of report reports on different view and format.
a. Employee Reports b. Attendance Reports c. Employee Attendance Reports d. Employee In/Out Summery e. Absent Reports f. Late Reports g. Leave Reports h. Joining Reports i. Resignation Reports
6. User Account Management: This Module Manage User Accounts & Its Authorization.
a. Create User Account b. User List c. Change Password d. User Authorization